Monday, December 24, 2007

The Cookie Party:Satelite Edition

I wanted to start training Sienna early in the art of cookie decorating, we'll get more pics of the finished cookies soon. (hopefully)I added the last picture in case you didn't hear it through the grape vine.

Better things for the Paparazzi

On Friday Jared and I were driving Randall to the 11th annual cookie party. I can't exactly recall how it happened but we got on the subject of the paparazzi. Randall then said, "The paparazzi shouldn't go after The Royals, they should go after the public...(long pause) Isaiah and Elise, and Ben and Simone...for having three kids."

Friday, December 14, 2007


Yay, my exams are over!

What are all y'all's Christmas plans?

(I'm going to Detroit and then to a debutante ball in South Carolina over New Year's.)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Show and Tell

Here our a few picture taken after Wyatt was born. We thought you might like them.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Monday, December 03, 2007

Wyatt James Tennant (aka - shooter)

Here he is. He is great. Simone and I think that he looks like a combination of Cadence and Eli. Shooter is now his preliminary nickname - both in reference to the manner of his birth and his legendary namesake.

The birth was so great. I can't tell you how much more relaxing it was to be at home, eating my own foods, washing clothes in my own laundry room and sleeping in my own bed. Simone agrees. Although she still is suspicious of the "pain-free" crowd. We think Wyatt does, as well, as he was clearly less distressed immediately after birth then our other babies were. We apologize for a lack of pictures here. Michael took this one, as I am having trouble getting my computer to recognize my camera for some reason.
My favorite part of the birth happened at about 7:00 in the morning when two toe-headed boys came waddling out of their room with inquiring smiles on their faces. We all hopped into bed together in peered at the small wonder. Eli just sucked his fingers rubbed the tag on the back of his shirt. I think he was making a statement. He will not surrender his baby title without a fight!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Simone Tennant-1/2 Mom 1/2 Machine

We got a text message from the Tennants announcing the birth of their 3rd boy, Wyatt James Tennant. He was born at 3:00am this morning and all is well.

For those who don't know, Simone is 1/2 machine! She's like a rockstar mom. She had this kid at home. Can you believe it, no drugs and NO NURSES! (She did have a mid-wife, just not a team of nurses to jump to her assistance at the push of a button like the hospitals provide) She's amazing.

That's all that I know. We can't wait for pictures and details.