Friday, February 22, 2008

Psalty the Songbook

I've been looking for car songs for Abby and ran accross this.
Anyone remember this?


Blogger jeff said...

i'd like to see the A&E special of 'where are they now?'

8:08 PM

Blogger karen said...

no kidding! that was from the first salty casette I had. it's missing now, but Ethanael and I have been listening to other tapes from my childhood in the car, including my brother's salty that was about baseball. i never saw the video though and to be honest, it's kind of creepy to me.

10:04 PM

Blogger karen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:04 PM

Blogger Simone said...

I always sing the camping song from this play when we are hiking or camping as a family!
"We're going camping now, we're on our way! We're gonna hike up the mountain, and run and jump and play! And as we hike along we're gonna sing, hallalula to the king!"

10:40 PM

Blogger kukailimoku said...

I had erased those memories, and the songs, but Simone never forgets any cheesy song.


12:43 AM


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