Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Soda Pop Wars I and II

Monday, I went into the Bloomingdale Marathon station to buy a soda. Because the fountain soda only had 4 choices, I grabbed a 20 oz Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper from the store refrigerator. While in line, I took a fountain cup with ice to pour my Dr. Pepper into. Following is a rough dialogue of the conversation.
Me- "Hey- I'm buying this bottle of Dr. Pepper, but I grabbed a cup to put it in".
The cashier was livid.
Cashier- "Well", she says, exerting her authority, "you're gonna have to pay for both".
Me- How much is the cup- like ten cents?
Cashier- We charge for the cup restocking fee. It doesn't matter if you put pop in it or not- you're gonna pay for both. She then charges me over $3 for my soda endeavor. Frustrated I leave. I talk big talk to Matt Swier in our carpool about how I'm gonna go in to the Marathon the next day and claim my soda (I'm all talk- no action)
The next day, I get in my car to drive home and Matt reminds me of my pledge. So I walk into the Marathon with my precious cup.
Me- "Hey- remember me (I wave my cup triumphantly in the air), I was here yesterday and made the mistake about pouring my soda in the cup. Well, I'm just here to fill up the cup with the pop I've already paid for.
The cashier decides to take a stand. NOOOOOOOOOOOO- she says. You're not gonna fill up that cup with pop unless you pay for a refill.
Me- (super friendly- Matt Swier, by the way, is quietly watching from the doorway trying not to be noticed) Oh no- I don't want a refill. I already paid for the pop... I'm just going to fill up this cup....
Cashier- "What do you think? Everything in this life is free?"
Me- "No- I have already paid for the soda"
Cashier- "Listen- we charged you yesterday for the cup and we're charging you today for the soda. You can't claim that pop back- you already paid for it"
Me- "exactly"
and on and on and on....
So finally (because really, I was picking an insane fight over $1.09) I throw the empty cup in the garbage, make sheepish apologies, and start to walk out.
Cashier- "You know" she yells as I open the door, "you can't just get things in this life for free"

Apparently, at the Bloomingdale Marathon Station, you can't even get things that you've paid for.


Blogger Mr. Swier said...

It was thrilling and scary to witness at the same time! I'm actually thinking of putting on a wig and walking with a stoop in my back today when I go to the Marathon station to get a pop before CF tonight!

2:13 PM

Blogger Jared Henderson said...

I love this post!

3:33 PM

Blogger kukailimoku said...

This is what I call "really living." I love it. I live for moments like this, and I mark my passage into adulthood by how well I actually follow up on my big talk. Missy, good for you! You are really growing up!
Now there is no way I would have bought that empty cup. I would have trashed it and the pop and told them I would never come back and did that person really want to advance in life to be more than a cashier at a Marathon Station. She is right. Nothing does come for free, neither does customer service, or a paycheck.

My dad does this very thing all the time. Except he always carries his own cup with him. He fills it with ice and then grabs a bottle of dew from the refrigerator. I have to show this post to him. He will die laughing.

I love you Missy!

5:36 PM

Blogger Lara said...

Here's what you should do, bring that same stinkin cup in every day and get as many refills as that thing will hold! That'll show em! Plus be sickeningly nice to the cashier. You're so funny Missy!

Jeff said he would've filled up the cup and when she said you had to pay say he didn't want it and leave it there. Ouch!

11:53 AM

Blogger MelissaLB said...

Thanks friends for the outpouring of support. I feel so loved- even though I lost the war. So, Denise saw a commerical for Marathon gas stations yesterday and it said something like this, "we pride ourselves on costumer service and our relationship with the community". Irony?

1:26 PM

Blogger Simone said...

OH, Missy, I I feel anger stiring within about your story and how ridiculous that lady acted. I mean, come on... grow up lady. agree with Lara. Be stinkinly crazy nice to her. Bring her cookies and tell her "Well, seems how some of us know how to allow things in life to be free." or something of the like. Then come in at another time with pop for her. Another free item. You just can't drop this. Continue on! Let us know what else happens! Okay, okay, Ben will tell me I'm being childish... but I say go for it.

9:22 PM


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